The right way to bid farewell to addiction! - Newport Paper House


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The right way to bid farewell to addiction!

Addiction is a life-threatening disorder. People who suffer from it know how overwhelming it can be to overcome. You might feel it is not a problem or it can't be hard to give up.

But understand that many cannot easily escape addiction. It can be very difficult to give up a bad habit.

Learning how to overcome addiction is a long journey, but the destination of sobriety can change your life. With addiction treatment resources now available, it is possible to curb and manage addiction.

Together, we will explore how you can overcome addiction and bring positive changes in your life.

Why is overcoming addiction so difficult?

Going by definition addiction is defined as a neuropsychological disorder characterized by an intense urge to engage in certain behaviors.

People often continue to participate in harmful behavior despite negative outcomes because addiction alters the brain’s reward system. This, in turn, increases the need for the substance or experience.

Although recovery is very challenging, it is possible to treat addiction. Combining addiction treatment resources and medical help, it is possible for you to can overcome addiction.

1. Admit there is a problem and decide to stop

The first and most important step is admitting that you are going through addiction and making the decision to quit. When you acknowledge that change is needed, you recognize that there is a problem and desire to address it.

It is best to take baby steps and set realistic goals that you can attain. You can consult a doctor, psychologist, or addiction counselor that can help you understand and start the process.

2. Prepare to change

Preparing to change is half the battle won. The preparation part will include removing addictive drugs from your home, as well as recognizing and removing triggers.

You might also have to change your daily schedule to avoid people or things that can trigger your cravings. The other way to prepare is to decide what decisions you are going to get the resources you need.

3. Seek support

One of the hardest decisions to make when preparing to quit is distancing yourself from people with similar addictive behavior. You have to set boundaries within such relationships, or you might end up relapsing.

You can join a support group or AA (alcoholics anonymous), where you will meet others who understand your struggle. It would help if you let people around or close to you know your plans for quitting. They can provide you with support and love throughout your journey.

4. Seek medical help

If you are struggling with alcohol or drug abuse, it is best to contact any doctor or a drug clinic. There are different options in medications that can help you with withdrawal symptoms.

Any underlying disorder like depression or anxiety can get worse during the withdrawal phase. You might need some medications to help aid the detox process. A healthcare provider can prove to be of help during such times.

5. Medications

Some medicines can be of great help during the withdrawal process. They can help people to remain in the process and avoid relapse. The type of medicine depends on what addiction is being treated.

They can be of help in both the long term and short term.

6. Avoid relapse

Although it is frustrating, this is a big part of recovery. It does not mean the treatment is not successful. The nature of addiction means that relapse is part of quitting.

The most common reasons for relapse are cravings and thinking you can use in moderation.

You should remember that relapse does not equal failing. Instead, understand why you relapsed.

When you know your triggers, you can put measures in place to avoid the chances of relapse again. You can now apply what you have learned and be stronger next time.

7. Avoid replacement addictive behavior

Replacing addictive behavior is quite common when trying to overcome addiction. Addictive behavior has neurological and psychological processes that are the same and creates rewarding sensations.

It would be best if you focused on healthy coping mechanisms and finding rewarding strategies that support your recovery.

8. Look for distractions

It will help if you are looking for activities and hobbies to take your attention off drug cravings. It can be any activity that takes up your time, including conversing with a friend, going for a stroll, attending a class, or exercising.

It should be a distraction that will help you pass your time while the craving disappears.

To sum up,

Keep in mind the points mentioned above when dealing with addiction. The road to recovery is hard, but with help and treatment, you can comfortably reduce and eventually eliminate cravings.

Know that you are stronger than any addiction you have.

If you or your loved one are struggling with substance abuse or addiction, you can contact Cooperative Recovery. Don't wait. Ask for help now!

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