prescription drug called Suboxone is used to treat opioid dependence and
addiction. It consists of both the drugs Buprenorphine and Naloxone.
opioid receptors in the brain are activated by Buprenorphine, a partial opioid
agonist; however, unlike full agonists, these effects plateau, leading to what
is known as a "ceiling effect." The ceiling effect, however, an
opioid in and of itself, allows patients who are dependent on opioids to quit
using their preferred medication without experiencing withdrawal symptoms. A
larger dose won't give the patient more effects or a more significant high.
opioid antagonist medicine class includes Naloxone, which binds to the brain's
opioid receptors to block the action of actual opioids, and the euphoric
release of dopamine, which is the hallmark of opioid drug misuse. The main
component of Narcan medication, given to individuals who have overdosed on
opioids, is Naloxone.
is made of four parts Buprenorphine and one part Naloxone. Did you know that
Naloxone is meant to prevent misuse and minimize the effects of opioids and
other narcotics since taking Suboxone in excess of the recommended dosage may
produce severe drug withdrawal symptoms?
frequently, Suboxone is given as a sublingual film, applied to the cheek or
under the tongue, and dissolves there.
Suboxone medication-assisted therapy
users are unable to ignore their opiate addiction outright. They must adjust
their attitudes, behaviors, and surroundings to break their reliance. However,
stopping "cold turkey" is ineffective for most patients and can have
harmful effects.
is frequently a sensible choice for treating addiction. The SAMHSA claims that
MAT is a part of a comprehensive approach to addressing drug addiction issues.
Suboxone is frequently used to treat opioid use disorders, along with Methadone
and Naltrexone.
active components of Suboxone, Buprenorphine, and Naloxone alleviate the
physical withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid dependency, enabling
individuals to regain control over their mental and emotional states and seek
How would a standard Suboxone
treatment program look?
a normal treatment is crucial before beginning MAT with Suboxone. When
determining if this course of Suboxone treatment program is
appropriate for you, be sure to take certain factors into account, such as:
When did you most recently use
Which kind of opiate do you
How dependent on opioids are
choice of opioids is very crucial. Patients must progressively lower their
dosage and begin to wean themselves off before obtaining long-acting opioids
like fentanyl or methadone. A Suboxone
treatment program can start as soon as 12 hours after the patient
stops using short-acting opioids like heroin. No matter the drug, the Suboxone treatment program cannot
start until mild withdrawal symptoms emerge.
Treatment for Suboxone is divided
into four stages:
1. Beginning
patient will undergo an intake evaluation during the induction phase so a
doctor can choose the right dose. Together with the patient, the doctor will
discover a dose that is both comfortable and effective at reducing withdrawal
symptoms and drug cravings. Up until the desired effects are realized, the
dosage may increase.
2. Phase
of stabilization
stabilization phase starts once the ideal dose has been determined. In this
stage, the patient stops worrying about the outward signs of reliance and
starts investigating the root causes of their addiction. Patients obtain
assistance and start counseling. During this stage, a lot of people can cease
taking illegal opiates.
3. Phase
of maintenance
enter the maintenance phase after they can continue receiving their medication.
They continue to take Suboxone at the recommended dosage, under their doctor's
orders. With a support network, people may start living the way they did before
their addiction
took hold.
4. Phase
of tapers
the taper phase, the patient and doctor work together to gradually reduce the
recommended dosage of Suboxone until the patient stops taking it altogether. A
patient may require around two years of therapy to get to this stage. However,
therapy is successful if the patient has gradually quit the medication.
Can Suboxone make you high?
typical Suboxone user does not feel the euphoric high connected to opiate use
while taking medicine as prescribed. However, the likelihood of experiencing a
modest suboxone high increases with continued usage of the medicine, especially
after other opioids have left the patient's system.
is an opiate activator. Therefore users will ultimately hit their upper limit
and will not experience a larger high by taking more of the medication. Some
users will switch to injecting dissolved Buprenorphine, which produces a stronger
high, to abuse the drug.
of Suboxone is unlikely if patients follow their treatment regimens. The
individual won't suffer withdrawal symptoms or opioid cravings when using
Suboxone. However, they might have to use Suboxone for a longer length of time.
In a nutshell
A Suboxone treatment program is an
excellent choice if you or someone you love is prepared to undertake treatment
for opioid dependency or addiction. Suboxone is a tried-and-true strategy for
treating opioid addiction and dependency and has been around since 2002.
with Suboxone assists users in overcoming
cravings so they can get back to a normal life. You may want to visit the
website of Cooperative Recovery for more information on the Suboxone treatment program for
your case.