A website is considered one of the most integral parts of a business marketing plan. So you must understand why it is important to have a website for your business. Usually, a website is the cornerstone of an online marketing plan that improves the presence of your brand in the market. Having a website for your business is just like owning a prominent office.
Your marketing and website strategy decides your daily battle with your market competitors, both small and large. It is important to understand your marketing strategy and be clear about the functions that your website will be performing.
Why Your Business Needs a Website?
Today, the internet has influenced our daily living and working life, but, shockingly, only a few small business owners have a website for their business. Approximately 46% of small business owners have a website. This figure is really surprising when you already know that people usually spend 6 hours of their daily life on the internet. According to a study, 41% of small business owners believe that there is no need of having a website. This means that they don’t have any idea about the benefits of having a website. Here are a few benefits of having a website.
· Improve Business Credibility
· Enhance Your Online Presence
· Efficient Way to Promote Your Business
· Create a Tool for Sales Generation
· Keep Track of Your Business in Real-Time
If you already have a website, then you must think about redesigning it.
Why You Should Redesign Your Website?
If you are a well-settled business firm, then you must be already having a website for your business. But is it updated with the latest features and functionalities? If not, then it is time to update it.
With the world being shifted to “new normal” due to this pandemic, your website has become the most essential piece of generating new business leads and conversions for your business. Before buying any product, customers search and explore the whole internet to get information about the products. Redesigning your website can surely help you to increase customer engagement and conversion rate for your business. Here are the reasons why this is the right time to redesign your website.
· Improved branding
· Improved information flow
· Increase revenue and reduce costs
· Better search engine rankings
· More leads and sales
Now as you have reasons for redesigning your website, the main question is, how you can find the best web designer to redesign your website? In this article, we will be discussing how you can find the perfect web designer for redesigning your website.
Qualities to Look Out for in Every Top Web Designer
Crafting a website is an art that requires years of experience to master. Understanding the concepts of site navigation and creating a user interface in not taking a walk in the park. So finding a web designer that genuinely stands out is not an easy task. There are rare website designers that are professional, but they are worth holding out for long. Here are some qualities that you should look for in a website designer.
1. Passionate
There is a huge difference in the quality work that is crafted by someone who shows up to take payments versus someone who lives and breathes the craft of web designing. Hiring professional web designers may cost you more, but their talent should not be measured by just the cost. The only important thing is having a creative mind to think outside the box for crafting an eye-catchy website. So one of the important qualities that a web designer should carry is a passion for work. Professional web designers are so passionate about their work that it doesn’t feel like work. Rather than going with the flow, they create new designs that are unique and tailored according to the client’s needs.
2. Desire for Self-Improvement
It doesn’t matter how much experience or qualification a web designer has, there is always space for improvement and learning. In the web designing industry trends change every day, so it is a must to learn continuously throughout the career. The top designers have creative and curious minds, and they always bring new ideas by pushing boundaries to improve their skill sets. Browsing the portfolio of their designs will help you have more idea about their working styles and techniques. Someone who works on self-development takes interest in other cultures and design ideas from worldwide. Since the client base is worldwide, designers need to create a website according to their demands and needs. Knowing the global outlook will help them to understand the need and context of the client for creating a website.
3. Clear Attention to Details
While designing a website, the thing that can’t be ignored is detail. From choosing the correct font style to color shade, web designers need to consider every single detail carefully. If they are not paying sharp attention to mistakes, then it will lead to bugs in the website. It doesn’t matter whether these bugs are small or big, it makes your website look unprofessional. Professional web designers carefully pay attention to every single that to ensure that the website looks clean and professional. Ask about feedback and reviews from the previous clients of the web designer that you are hiring. As a designer, they should be the ones to spot errors, not you.
4. Wide Portfolio
Sometimes it is possibly fine to hire a start-up web designer, but it is also risky. Fresher or new web designers do not have track of their work and projects. So hiring an experienced web designer is always a smart idea. They have a detailed and wider portfolio that can help you to have a clear idea about their experience and working system. Portfolios don’t need to be bulky- they just need to have links for the previous work of the designer. You can also ask questions to designers why they choose a particular format or idea to design the website. Simply, a portfolio can tell you a lot about a designer.
5. Website Maintenance
Most designers offer maintenance services after designing the website so that it can work and function properly later also. You can also maintain your website yourself if you have time and know-how you can do it. You must know how your website is going to work later after it is being launched. Some freelancer designers only work till the website is launched, and later is up to you to work on it. So hire a developer that promises to work on your website late after it has been launched in the market.
We are Here!
At Softhunters, we have experienced professional developers that know all the ins and outs of web designing. Our team promises to offer tailored website solutions that can help you to promote your brand. We never work with pre-built templates, so be sure that your website will be unique and one-of-a-kind. Whether you are planning to increase your conversion rate or the number of leads that your business receives every day, a professional website can help you to grow your business.
So if you are ready to build a new website for your business, contact us now to get a specialized plan just for your business.