7 Free Website Checkers to Enhance Your SEO - Newport Paper House


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7 Free Website Checkers to Enhance Your SEO

Search engine optimization is the smartest way that every business tries to gain in the digital era. Especially, in today’s world, where it has become the basic necessity for the survival of every business. Hence, once establishing a digital platform, all a business requires is to drive reasonable traffic towards it, which depends upon the quality of the website and the features, like those opted by e-mail marketing companies which are going to have the potential to ensure conversion of visits to loyal customers and wider reach of the same.

So, the below listed are the free sites, which could help serve the purpose and ensure better SEO :


They have a highly attractive design, which would attract clients and give a professional impression to potential clients. Also, the free website analysis dialog box is given on the homepage itself, making it easy to upload and access and analyze the results. To understand their best services, one of the BIG 4s, Deloitte is their client. Also, in comparison to the other existing providers, they have greater adaptability to foreign languages across the globe.

White Label reports, embeddable Audit Tools, SEO Crawler, Keyword tool, and API are its features. Also, they can be easily approached through the chat option provided for any queries before actually fixing the terms and moving on to the project.


Firstly, it is a fact that most of the SEO checker sites offer common features and services, but what makes one stand out is its compatibility, speed, and productivity. Talking about this particular

“neilpatel.com”, provides a complete

analysis report which would contain a detailed Website Health Check, Critical Errors, Warnings, and Recommendations. It is indeed a SWOT analysis of your website! One can sign in, into the same, with the help of Google account and avail the services. These are free up to a certain limit, and thereafter requires a subscription for continued checks. But usually, a 7-day trial is more than enough to treat your website and enhance the traffic. 


This particular website is designed in a highly professional manner, and easy to access. There is the Free Trial option, right on the homepage, which one can use for the website’s SEO checks. The Keyword Tool, Site Crawl, SEO Monitoring, Sales tools, and Woorank extension are its main features. The site has several international clients as well, which indeed show its global reach and assures you the best offer to defeat the competitors and climb the Google Search Engine ladder in a highly efficient manner. Also, on doing a comparison with the ‘neilpatel.com’, they offer a 14-day trial, which enables more time of usage at a free of cost, making it more efficient.


They have offered a very clear plan and pricing, targeting clients, and positioning them as per requirements and needs. The major benefit they offer is for Beginners, which is completely free of cost, where about 1000 pages per project can be checked at zero cost. And hence, there are slight variations in the benefits offered, based on the different free and paid packages. Like most of the providers, ‘seobility.net’, also offers the SEO Audit.


Rankwatch.com is a well established online service provider who has dealt with popular clients such as BookMyShow, naukri.com, and Reliance Industries Ltd. The performance and details offered by these websites showcase their features and client success stories. Also, this gives a premium image when compared to the rest indulged in the industry. Also, to make it easier for every client, when it comes to opting for the same, there is a clear demo available on the website, which can be accessed. For this particular provider too, there is a 14-day free trial, but comparatively with lesser procedures and formalities for the process. Online SEO check, Website speed, Social Media Metrics, Website Traffic analysis, and technologies build on are the major features, among which the Social Media Metrics feature stands out to be unique. They also accept International Clients.


These are an All-in-One package, which enables various services like Domain Analytics, Keyword Analytics, Marketing Insights, SEO Templates, and so on. They have a long list of features that can enable tailor-made results and enhancement of one’s website. Also, they have their brand new lead generation Companies feature,

which is high on demand. Also, their SEO writing assistant feature can be used by beginners for the best results. They are also adaptable to several international language-based contents. Being a Boston based provider, they are highly proficient and advanced in the field.


The name sounds familiar, right? Yes, this is associated with Amazon as well. Amazon Alexa has this website, which offers an on-page SEO checker for businesses and websites. They have a free trial pack of 14 days and 30 days, depending upon the agency. As the image that Alexa brings to our minds, this is also, an ask and reply website, which is very interactive can enable customer relationship management strategy and provide high-quality SEO analysis. Content Research, Competitive Website Analysis, Target Audience Analysis, Keyword Research, SEO Analysis, and Checking Backlinks are its features. So, in comparison to the rest of the websites, as this is an amazon product is highly branded and hence rich in service quality.


With the help of the above-mentioned list of websites, which offer SEO analysis, one can work on improving the website traffic, with quality traffic, and at the same time enhance the website features to be displayed on the top of the highly crowded search engines. 

 Author’s Bio

Name: Gaurav Saraswat

Designation: SEO Executive

Social Media: Facebook & Linkedin & Twitter

Myself Gaurav Saraswat and I serve as a Seo executive at Techno Softwares. We focus on CRM strategy to work perfectly. I’m a content writer as well. Feel free to ask anything related to SEO and Content Writing.

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