Can you name the largest organ of the body?
Certainly, it’s skin, which you always pay attention to. It
actually needs your care and pampering. Considering the need and attention
required, many cosmeceutical companies come up with valuable offerings like
sunscreen and moisturising creams or lotions. It’s absolutely ok to use these
cosmetic products, and it’s more beneficial if you follow the prescription of
your skin specialist.
But one thing that is free of cost is a regular skin
examination. Yes, it’s necessary to recognise some early signs of potential
problems. This practice helps in preventing some more serious concerns like
skin cancer. So! What is this skin examination?
Let’s introduce you to its answer.
What is a skin exam?
A thorough examination or inspection of your skin to spot
unusual changes (if they emerge) is a skin exam. Having moles is absolutely
common. But, changing in its shape, size, and colour is abnormal. Though it
might be a minor or insignificant change, this examination can swiftly help you
recognise some dreadful skin concerns, such as skin cancer.
The bad thing that comes out of this examination is the
result, which reveals that you are suffering. But the most joyous point is that
you have learnt about its suffering early, and now, you can undergo its
treatment. Suppose it's a form of skin cancer, such as melanoma. You can get it
recovered successfully because it has been detected before elevating to an
untreatable stage.
In a nutshell, self-examination of your skin at home is
basically a must-do. You can practice it daily. And if there emerges
anything suspicious, seek professional support and do not hesitate to or avoid
in-depth examination. These are dermatologists who are trained in spotting what
untrained eyes may miss. Additionally, their valuable professional advice shows
how to monitor your skin for changes.
Why You Shouldn't
Skip Skin Exams
Early Detection of Skin
Fear can be true. Skin cancer is a frightening fear, which
is extremely common in the United States. But if it’s detected early, it
becomes treatable. The American Academy of Dermatology states that 1 in 5
Americans is going to be a cancer patient while reaching 70 years of age.
And if it is detected in time, the chances of survival maximize. If it’s
melanoma, for example the survival rate becomes 99%. On the contrary, if
it is diagnosed later, the chances sink significantly.
Self-screening helps in the early detection of this severe
skin cancer with basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. In many
cases, this skin condition can be treatable if the ailing part is surgically
removed. Besides, non-invasive treatments can be useful provided you go for
skin screening on a regular basis.
Monitoring Existing Moles or
Regular self-screening can bring any existing or new moles
or spots into the limelight. By monitoring them, you can notice the changes
quickly. This monitoring can be a smooth journey if you know this ABCDE rule of
examining moles.
1. A is for asymmetry, which can be understood as
noticeable changes in its shape, size, colour, etc.
B represents border, which can
be a problem if it is irregular and poorly defined.
C stands for colour, which
points at the problem if moles gradually change their appearance or become uneven
in colour (darker or fader).
D is the
diameter. If your moles appear larger than a pencil eraser (about 6 mm), it can
be a problem.
E means
evolving the change in its size, shape, and colour. Even the appearance of your
moles can be different, indicating a severe skin condition.
All in all, regular skin cancer screening is a necessity that can highlight
suspicious warning signs of skin cancer. Once detected, the scope for survival
is great.
Peace of Mind
Skin screening can keep you satisfied. However, the
detection can be dreadful. Regular checkups won’t allow anxiety to oppress you
because you’re actively monitoring it. This signifies the role of
Identifying Other Skin Conditions
Skin cancer is not the only concern behind its monitoring.
It can help in discovering a range of other common skin conditions, such as
acne, eczema, rosacea, and psoriasis. If these are detected earlier, their
treatment can prevent them from becoming untreatable or worse.
Preventing the Spread of Skin
When the skin check reports that it’s a cancer, it might be
localised at that time. This means that it is not spread to other parts of the
body. But if the treatment is not provided, it can spread and complicate the
How Often Should You
Have a Skin Exam?
Like skin checks, the frequency of this screening is important.
Many factors indicate that you should go for regular skin checks, which can be
fair skin, a family history of skin cancer, and frequent sun exposure. These
high-risk factors indicate doctors to recommend more frequent full-body skin
checks. People with lower risk, once a year examination might be good enough.
Generally, a full-body skin examination must go on at least once a year,
especially after 30 years of age.
Additionally, vigilance is vital when you are screening by
yourself at home. A monthly screening can be helpful in discovering any
specific changes in your surface. So, mirror yourself and examine from head to
toe. Closely monitor every mole, blemish, or spot.
Simple Steps for a
Talking about self-assessment does not mean that you know
how to do it. Though you may have the idea, it should go this way:
Find a well-lit area:
See your skin for changes in good lighting.
Use a mirror:
You need a full-length mirror to thoroughly examine
your back, arms, and legs.
Examine your skin:
Closely assess if there appears to be any
change, new growth, or irregularity in your moles or skin spots. Skin means the surface from head to
toe. So, don’t forget your scalp, palms, and soles of your feet.
Record your findings: If any tag, mole, or spot appears
new or different, immediately consult with a dermatologist.
The Power of
Protection is prevention. One thing that you can try every
day is applying sun protection on your surface. Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or
higher. Besides, avoid exposing skin, which avoids tanning also. Do not go to
tanning beds. Apart from these, seriously screen your surface to get rid of
potential challenges.
Skin checkups are effective ways to keep your skin protected and healthy. Regular screening can help in catching severe problems like cancer early. This hasty detection saves your life.