Sleeping well is one of the most effective things that you can do for your body. However, there are times when sleep is hard to come by, or when the sleep one gets is not really a sound sleep. Have you ever woken up feeling exhausted or had a night where you could not easily get to sleep? The good news is that there are ways in which you can enhance your chances of having a good night’s sleep to waking up feeling refreshed. In this blog, you will find proven strategies to help you optimize your sleep experience.
1. Eliminate Light Disruption
Too much light can disrupt your sleep. Using blackout curtains on your windows or placing a sleep mask over your eyes will ensure that light does not disrupt your sleep. Staying away from bright lights in the evening will assist you in your efforts to go to sleep and increase your melatonin level in your body.
2. Adjust Your Room Temperature To 18-20 Degrees Celsius
You do not want the temperature to be an issue in the bedroom by making it either too hot or too cold. The optimal temperature varies depending on the individual. It is recommended to keep the room cool, ideally ranging from 18-20 degrees Celsius.
3. Purchase A Quality Mattress and Bedding
It is crucial to have the right mattress so that you feel comfortable enough to sleep. A good mattress and quality pillows also ensure that one’s spine is well supported hence minimizing cases of back pain. Your sheets and blankets are critical to making your bed welcoming. Look for Mattresses in a Box that feels comfortable and will help maintain a comfortable temperature during the night.
Recommended Read: Best Beds and Mattresses 2024: Top Picks and for Both Adults and Kids
4. Stick To A Consistent Wake-Up Time Every Day
If your wake-up time is not consistent, then it becomes almost impossible to adjust to a healthy sleeping routine. Choose a wake-up time and make sure to wake up at that particular time. This should be regardless of the day or days that you feel like extending your hours of sleep.
5. Make Sure Naps Stay Around 20 Minutes
To have a good sleep at night, it is important to use caution with naps. If you nap for too long or too late in the day, you may develop a sleep disorder that will make it difficult for you to sleep. Napping is most effective when done in the early afternoon, immediately after lunch. The ideal nap duration is about 20 minutes.
6. Relax For 30 Minutes Before Sleeping
It is much easier to sleep well if you are very comfortable. Quiet reading, low-impact stretching, and relaxation techniques help set the mind up for sleep. Other relaxation techniques are mindfulness meditation, controlled breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation.
7. Reduce Noise For A Better Restful Sleep
Reducing noise is one of the ways of creating a bedroom that is conducive to sleep. By using earplugs or headphones you can prevent certain sounds from disturbing you when you ought to be asleep.
8. Avoid Screens For An Hour Before Bed
Tablets, smartphones, and laptops can actively keep your brain engaged, which can be a problem when it is time to unwind. The emitted by these gadgets can also interfere with your body’s natural production of melatonin. Ideally, it is advisable to avoid the use of gadgets for at least one hour or more before bedtime.
9. Physical Activity, At least 20 Minutes Per Day
Physical activity improves overall well-being. It is effective at starting and maintaining optimal energy and temperature for sound sleep. It is recommended not to exercise vigorously for the few hours preceding bedtime. This will provide enough time to relax for sleep.
10. Avoid Alcohol Consumption In The Hour Before Bedtime
Some individuals are fond of taking alcohol before going to bed. Sadly, for drinkers, alcohol has an impact on the brain that results in reduced sleep quality. Better it should be avoided close to bedtime.
11. Ensure You Get No Less Than 7 Hours Of Sleep
If you are concerned about getting the desired 7-8 hours of sleep every night, then you have to incorporate that time into your schedule. Consider your fixed wake-up time, work backwards, and determine a target bedtime that allows for at least seven hours of sleep. Try and allow your body to take longer to prepare for sleep when going to bed.
12. Have Dinner A Few Hours Before Going To Bed
Night-time sleep becomes complicated when the digestion process in the body is still ongoing. Avoid late suppers that take a long to digest. If you must take fatty or spicy food, then try and make it early in the morning. If you need an evening snack, do not choose something heavy.
13. Reduce Access Or Exposures To Nicotine
Nicotine has been found to have a linkage with several sleep disorders such as difficulty initiating sleep and poor sleep quality. Nicotine consumption in the evening has been found to disrupt sleep.
14. Maintain A Sleep Journal
A diary of the amount and quality of sleep experienced evaluates the effectiveness of a specific routine. If you are experimenting with a sleep schedule, a sleep diary can be useful for tracking its effectiveness.
15. Consult With Your Doctor
If you are experiencing serious sleeping issues, it is recommended to consult with your doctor. Your doctor can provide you with proper guidance and treat any underlying issue.
Final Words
It is very crucial to get sufficient sleep throughout the night. It is easy to change bad sleeping habits by following the strategies mentioned above. Try using these strategies for a few nights and observe an improvement in the quality of your sleep. If you are looking to Buy Mattress in a box online, you can easily find it on various websites with huge discounts. It just takes a little effort to ensure you get the best out of your sleep and start a new day feeling good.