Elevating Your Home with the Best Sliding Door Accessories - Newport Paper House


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Elevating Your Home with the Best Sliding Door Accessories


Sliding doors have gained popularity in recent times. When choosing the right sliding door for your home, several factors come into play, such as the design, glass type, and hardware, including handles, locks, and other accessories. Sliding door systems are convenient and space-saving since they come fully assembled. It is why sliding doors are increasingly used in various places like homes, offices, hospitals, hotels, etc.

This article has compiled essential sliding door hardware and how to maintain them. This guide will assist you in selecting the appropriate hardware when installing a sliding door system. So, if you're considering upgrading from traditional to sliding doors, this article is perfect.

Let's explore the tabular array of topics covered:

Sliding Door Hardware

Sliding door hardware consists of several essential components for smooth installation and operation. Below, we discuss the important sliding door hardware components and their functions:

Door Handles:

Handles are used to open or close sliding doors and come in various designs. They often incorporate latching or locking mechanisms and are compatible with standardised door-locking systems.


Typically, the track for sliding doors is twice as wide as the door opening. In situations where there is restricted space for the doors to move side by side, multiple track lines are employed. Double brackets are for parallel track lines.


There are two types of brackets - soffit brackets and wall brackets. The track's length determines the number of brackets required. Some sliding door systems allow tracks installed directly beneath the door lintel without bracketing.

Hangers and Fixing Plates:

Hangers with nylon wheels are used indoors, while steel wheels are suitable for outdoor use. Two hangers are attached to each door, and fixing plates are for attaching the hangers to the doors. Top or side fixing plates are used for wood, aluminium, or composite doors. Metal doors often do not require fixing plates because you can drill the hanger bolt directly into the metal door frame.


Stops restrict the movement of sliding doors. A stop inside the track halts the door's movement by colliding with the hanger's body, while a wall stop can also be used to stop the door's movement by hitting the sliding door.

Bottom Guide:

The bottom guide is essential for proper door functioning, preventing swinging and ensuring smooth and secure operation. You can fix it on the floor, wall, or directly under the door leaf, and it typically moves within the door groove or bottom guide channel.


Various accessories can enhance the sliding door system's performance and appearance:

  • End clips and end claps restrict the lateral movement of tracks and provide a stylish look.

  • Soft-close sliding systems allow doors to close and open smoothly and effortlessly.

  • Clip stops serve as track stops and help maintain the door's open or closed position.

  • Low headroom plates adjust the distance between the track and the door.

Choosing the Right Sliding Door Hardware 

Several things must be considered when selecting sliding door hardware to ensure it fits your project. Here are 8 easy steps to guide you through the installation process:

  • Step 1: Determine if it's for indoor or outdoor use. Outdoor hardware should be weatherproof and corrosion-resistant while providing good security.

  • Step 2: Decide between a top-hung or bottom-rolling system. Top-hung systems are more common and suitable for most applications. Bottom-rolling systems are used with limited overhead support, like in conservatories or extensions.

  • Step 3: Choose between soffit-fixed or face-fixed tracks. Soffit fixed tracks are installed under the lintel, allowing the door to slide within the opening. Face-fixed tracks are installed on the front side of the opening, making the door slide in front.

  • Step 4: Know the weight of your door. It is crucial to find the right hardware. There's hardware available for doors weighing from small to extremely heavy ones.

  • Step 5: Consider the door material (wood, metal, or glass) to ensure you get the appropriate fixings.

  • Step 6: Determine the door configuration. You may need bi-parting, telescopic, or folding doors for larger openings.

  • Step 7: Measure the opening width, height, and door thickness to ensure the hardware fits your door.

  • Step 8: Choose accessories like handles, pulls, fittings, or soft-close mechanisms to enhance the functionality and appearance of your sliding door.

The Importance of Maintaining Sliding Door Hardware

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your sliding doors in good shape. Here are some simple tasks you should do regularly:

  • Cleaning and Lubricating: 

Clean the tracks, rollers, and glides to remove dirt and dust. Use a silicone-based spray to keep them moving smoothly.

  • Inspecting and Tightening:

Check the door handles, locks, and hinges for loose or damaged parts. If you find any, tighten or replace them to ensure everything works correctly.

  • Weatherstripping Replacement:

Look at the weatherstripping around the door. If it's worn out, replace it. It will help keep drafts and energy loss at bay.

These maintenance tasks will keep your sliding door fittings in good condition and work smoothly.

Security Accessories for Sliding Doors

Sliding glass and French doors are beautiful but can be risky regarding security and child safety. There are several ways you can try to make them more secure:

  • Installing a sliding glass door lock adds extra security to your door. These locks are placed at the top, preventing the door from being forced open.

  • Using a security bar in the track of your sliding glass door can prevent it from sliding open and is an easy and effective solution.

  • For French doors, you can use a security door brace to stop the doors from opening. It's placed on the floor and the doors, making it difficult to force them open.

  • Consider electronic options like door sensors or glass break detectors to alert you if someone tries to break in. You can also use locks similar to sliding wardrobe locks.

By taking these measures, you can enhance the safety and security of your sliding door without compromising their attractiveness.


In conclusion, sliding doors are great for your home. They look good and are easy to use. To keep them working well and looking nice, you should know about common problems in the fittings and take care of them regularly. If you need help, don't hesitate to ask professionals. Whether you fix your current doors or get new ones, sliding doors are a popular and practical choice for homeowners. Maintain the sliding door fittings, and you'll enjoy the convenience and beauty of sliding doors for a long time.

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