Corporate leaders and CIOs must do all possible in today's tightening economies to keep operations flexible and cost-competitive. And that means spending money on fully working, adaptable technology that will pay off handsomely.
In the race to purchase the latest and greatest gadgets, phone systems are frequently forgotten. However, this is one piece of technology that your employees interact with daily. Your business will suffer if your phones are out of date, both in terms of productivity and your capacity to compete in your industry.
Ideacom picked NEC for our business phone system because of this mindset. The NEC brand has long been associated with cutting-edge technology, and their phones are no exception. High-performance headsets and adaptable consoles are ready to take your company to the next level. It's a new age in communications for your company, with headset compatibility, flexible conferencing, and in-app integration capabilities.
compatibility allows you to conduct business on the move.
Today's workplaces are anything but boring. Your employees must hurry from meetings to video and from phone conversations to their PCs. They must be able to do it from any location on the project. Wireless headset compatibility is included with the NEC SL2100 phone system, giving your staff the freedom to move around the office.
Muscle tiredness is also reduced by wearing a headset. One study revealed that switching from corded phones to Bluetooth headsets lowered neck, shoulder, and upper back muscle strain by up to 41% in survey participants. Call center agents can stand up and wander around the workplace thanks to headsets with lifters, a technology that allows them to accept calls away from their desks. That's a win-win situation for both productivity and health.
Many high-end headsets also include noise-canceling technology to block out background disturbances, making it more straightforward for call center employees to concentrate in noisy environments.
Always make sure you don't miss a call.
Nowadays, employees are expected to juggle a lot of balls. We've never had to manage so much data at once, keeping track of projects, emails, chat messages, and phone calls without missing a beat.
There's no way to filter out all the noise, but NEC's cascade notifications function can give your team some peace of mind. With cascade notification, you'll never miss an important call again. Cascade notification will call you at up to five different locations to know what you missed when a caller leaves a new message in your inbox. So, if you're on the phone at your desk, you can have your phone notify you when a new message arrives. And that might make all the difference when it comes to catching a client before they fly to Japan.
Productive Collaboration Through Conferencing
Work doesn't happen in a vacuum, but meetings must stay on a course given the human propensity for distraction. The conferencing feature on NEC phones makes it simple to jump into brief, informal video discussions via your unified communications system's built-in in-app capability.
The NEC SV9300 has a Unified Communications client that lets you convert voice messages to text, answer to voicemail via email, and manage group chats and instant messaging right from your workstation — wherever that may be right now. You can link your smartphone to the system for 100 percent on-the-go conferencing with mobile integration.
of VoIP and Landlines Prepare your company for future growth by following these
No piece of technology, no matter how advanced, will allow you to look into the future of your firm. You can, however, plan for the broadest possible range of outcomes. For the adaptability you need in an unpredictable world, PBX Systems, NEC phones, and servers are compatible with VoIP and landline configurations.
This flexibility allows you to prepare for infrastructure upgrades as your business grows while providing high-quality phone service. The NEC SV9300 can service up to 1,500 separate stations, so you may not need to upgrade for a long time!
It's Simple
to Use and Troubleshoot IP Features
NEC phones that are digitally compatible allow you to troubleshoot service difficulties right from the phone. If you hit Enter + 96 on any headset, the system IP address and VoIP Daughter Board (VoIPDB) address will be displayed right away.
These reference numbers allow your team to track down problems across your system, determining whether they are caused by your device, gateway port, or something else entirely. The task of IT damage management has never been more challenging. Tell me that doesn't seem appealing!
Where Can I
Learn More About NEC Phone Systems?
The NEC telephone framework enjoys various benefits that you ought to know about. It is beneficial to have a personal consultation with an expert who can answer all of your queries. Ideacom NC specializes in NEC phone systems. We regularly consult with local businesses on the latest technology on the market, and we would be happy to advise you on the best options for your company.