Piles or hemorrhoids is caused from
the Varicose veins in your bottom, these varicose veins when formed piles or
hemorrhoids can be very painful indeed, in-fact it has often been described by
many women sufferers as the worst biggest pain beside child bearing, there are
tiny pad-like blood vessels in ones anal canal, this anal canal is like a short
tube that links your back passage with your anus thereby enabling us to move
our bowel by discharging mucus(poo)
once the blood vessels become
swollen and may hang down while or after passing poo. You can feel small soft
lumps around the edge of the anus and you may also notice some red bright blood
when you try wiping your bottom after you have been to the loo. Also if you
start to feel constant itching around the bottom you may be suffering from
piles or hemorrhoids if you reside in
bangalore, chennai, etc where you can easily choose and consult the best doctor for piles in bangalore with the help of Treat Pa and take piles treatments at
affordable price before it becomes worse.
Piles or Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy, Is It Common?
During maternity, the blood
circulation around your body increases and also the high levels of the hormone
progesterone relax the walls of your blood vessels.
Many common questions are: Why do
piles pick this time to make an unwelcome appearance? How to treat piles? It
all comes down because of the abdominal pressure that will make your blood
vessels stretch and swell.
Many new mums know piles/hemorrhoids
can be an unpleasant part of pregnancy. But with up to 1 in 2 people suffering
at some point in their lives, it’s certainly nothing to be embarrassed about.
The most obvious cause: the weight
of your ever-growing bump/baby! Then also there’s all that pushing during
childbirth.This can be the result of doing less exercise than normal, changes
in your diet, and the weight of your bump pressing on your bowel. This will
block you up, and straining when you go to the loo is a very common cause of
In some cases, piles/hemorrhoids
occur with such mild symptoms that you may not even know you have them.
But if they flare up and become more
painful, there are various treatments and things you can do or use to ease the
These veins below your uterus (womb)
are more likely to become swollen and stretched, as the weight of your growing
baby puts pressure on them. This is the reason why you’re more prone to
hemorrhoids and varicose veins when you’re pregnant. Constipation, another
pregnancy bugbear, can also be the reason for the varicose vein causes and treatment will depend on the severity
and pain in the vein.
You may also develop piles when you
give birth, during the stage when you push out your baby. It’s thought that
about one in five mums has piles the day after giving birth. After the baby
birth this may also disappear or shrink.
How to treat piles or hemorrhoids permanently
The above will help ease your piles.
But you may need to try these other treatments as well:Hemocyl is an effective
natural remedy you can try for a faster relief of the pain. Take warm baths to
ease the itching and pain. Resist scratching your bottom, as it can make things
Use an ice pack, to relieve the pain
around your bottom which helps to relieve the pain.
Gently and thoroughly clean the
affected area after you’ve done poo. Usea moist
toilet wipes that can be more comfortable than using other tissues.
Try pushing the piles gently back
into your rectum with a clean finger when you are having a bath or in the
Ways and Treatment for Piles or hemorrhoids after Birth
After your baby is born, use a bidet
to wash your bottom. Suppose if you don’t have a bidet, you can have one for
yourself. Put a clean plastic washing-up bowl of warm water on a chair
that you are comfortable sitting
astride.Try Hemocyl if all fails for faster relief
Wash the area after you do a poo and
pat it dry carefully. When you’ve healed enough to wipe, use unscented, white
toilet tissue. This type of tissue is less likely to irritate your skin than
coloured,scented types.
If sitting down is really painful,
you could try using a specially shaped, inflatable cushion. These are called
Valley Cushions, and can be hired from the National Childbirth Trust.
You can also ask your midwife or Gynaecology
Specialist or GP to prescribe gentle ointments or
suppositories to soothe your bottom. There are many products on the market to
relieve piles, but check first that they are safe for you to use.
If creams and suppositories don’t
help, severe cases can be treated with the advice of doctors through
Banding, where a type of rubber band
is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid. Injection with chemicals that
cause the hemorrhoid/piles to shrink and drop off. Infrared light.
In most cases, and thankfully
piles/hemorrhoids will simply shrink or disappear as your body recovers after
your baby’s birth but in some cases it may develop further and cause severe
pain where the patients should take the best treatment for piles
before it leads to severe complications.